
Wednesday 23 July 2014

Just For Once

Just another one of my Poems from 2011,  Think I have about 10 or so of them

People are not blind because of illness or disease,
People are blind because they choose to be,
They choose to linger in the darkness as their light begins to sway,
They choose to sit idle on the rusted floor waiting for their spirits to rot away,
They choose not to feel the heat of the sun or not to open their eyes,
Just for once why can't they feel the heat of a pure world?
Just for once why can't they look up into the sky?
Just for once why can't they move into the light and see what I see.

The echo of a mirrored world,
Where the chime of Gold and Copper are the same,
That the land I dream, Paradise with the sun that came,
I tell people of the heat I feel and the light I see,
Most say I'm a lost cause,
Others, that I am mislead,
But I shall reply, I still know how to dream.

Do not try to defeat those hypocrites nor to fight against them,
Do not be brought to your knees before their hypocrisy,
For they dream a fantasy too, they have just lost all hope,
Do not let them wait for the moon,
But instead lead them towards the sun,
Just for once let them feel the heat of the sun,
Just for once let them see the light,
Just for once let them hear the chime of paradise.

Just for once let your light shine,
 and see the difference you can make.
Just for once...

David Thain 2011 (c)

Tuesday 22 July 2014

What They Call Peace

This is one of the poem's I wrote back in 2011. It seems a bit dark ha, but still kinda makes sense I think.

The thought of Peace and Justice,
An ethic that is bent,
Dancing through their minds,
They are always blind.

The truth of this foreign world,
There is no Peace,
There is no Justice.

When the snake’s head looks for a cure,
It creates claws to defend it’s peace,
But upon creating these claws,
Do they create the battle they wish to end.

There is no peace in a world,
In a world, where you feel,
That you do need a defense.

For if you build a defense as you do a wall,
There will always be one who will try to scale it.
For as long as there are claws,
Someone will look to prune them.

For as long as the snake has a head,
Someone will wish to make it cower,
And they will try and try, until they succeed.
This is the cycle of what they call peace,

This is what they call peace,
But is it really so?

David Thain 2011(c)

Saturday 12 July 2014

Video Editing Issues

So recently my previous Video Editing software, Movie Studio 13 Platinum trial ran out.
So I cried for a minute because I was loving it, it did everything I needed to and worked like a champ.

So now I went back to a free video editing software called, LightWorks.
Now I spent like an hour using this software and it killed my video I was creating for 'We Are Red Panda'.
So I cried even more,

Not wanting this to happen again I went out and brought the full version of Movie Studio, and when I register that I've paid for it etc, it STOPS WORKING!
Everytime I try importing a video for editing it just appears green, the whole video. Which is useless for what I need.
I have sent a support request off to Sony, but have not heard back yet. :/

So tonight, because I needed to get this video edited and uploaded, I went back to LightWorks and within 30 minutes the video was edited, compiled, exported and uploaded.
Which now makes me wonder if the 100$ I paid for Movie Studio was worth it.....

Anyways, this is the new video,

Have any of you made a purchase that you question later?

Whats you opinion of Free Software?

~ David Out

Saturday 5 July 2014

My New Desk

If I could put forward any advice on running your own projects or work. Is have a work space.

So for the last 2 years where I have owned my own computer I have not had a desk. So basically my Tower (computer box) was on top of a chest of drawers, monitor on a nearby bookshelf, keyboard on lap, and mouse on TV cabinet. This was the most uncomfortable surrounding I have ever been in.
I had minimal space to write anything down and to concentrate, most of the time I was just trying to find the most comfortable position.

So after 2 years of procrastinating I finally moved a donated desk (thanks *Place of Employment*) into my "home office" and now I can actually type and play games properly ha

It has given me work space to sprawl out all my notes and to focus on tasks, such as editing the first episode of a review series I am creating. I don't think a work space needs to be fancy but enough space for keyboard + mouse and/or paper + pen. Some drawers wouldn't hurt to help organise things.

With a proper work space I believe it greatly helps you concentrate on projects and actually allow you to work on projects.

What task have you put off for years?

David, Out.

*pssstttttttt, I found some writing I did like 3 years ago some poetry and random writings so I will be uploading them here as posts :)

Monday 30 June 2014


So just thought I would share a story about how bad my memory is.

So yesterday (sunday), I forgot it was sunday and that I had to get up and go to church. I had one of my good friends ring me and wake me up to tell me why I wasn't at church yet.
So that isn't too bad, we all have those days. So i went to church in the morning and came home.
Now I usually go to church in the evening as well. I leave morning church at about 12, and then leave to go to evening service at about 3. Within the space of those three hours I forgot it was sunday again. and didnt make it to church cx

My memory is even bad with financial things. I even forgot when to report my income this week -.-

I usually had someone reminding me about church and that. It shows how bad my memory is.

Do any of you have a really bad memory?
How do you help remind yourself of dates and things?

David Out.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Exam Time

So today I had my first today and just wow... I bet i'm not the only one that dislikes Exams.
Personally I find exams a waste of time, and the way they contribute to overall grades over the top.

So for my course, you have to pass your exam or you fail the course. I see this as unfair as not everybody can sit down and get a good mark on an exam. If you are one of these people that crack under pressure, or just can't get exams done. well your screwed. They offer minimal extra help to those that need it but I don't think it is enough.

I have always been for vocational training, learning on the job. I did my previous certificate as vocational training and it was the best ever thing for me. I was able to learn a broad range of skills and not only the theory or "lab" practice, I was able to implement my skills and test my knowledge in real life scenarios creating products and providing services to customers. I have learn't so much through this training instead of exams.

Although as I said above not everyone is the same, so other people may not like vocational training and instead prefer exams and "class" work. :)

Anyways, Good luck to everyone who has exams on now, recently or in the future :)

Would like to know what your opinions are on exams, leave them in the comments below,

~ David out

Sunday 22 June 2014

My Dog - Tiny :)

He makes me smile :)

Hope he brightens your day too (:

Name : Tiny
Breed: Chihuahua
Weight: A bag of carrots
Height: A bad weed
Length: My arm
Personality: Spazz
